Eveline Vervliet (˚1997) is a Belgian-Flemish composer, based in Hamburg. In her work, she explores collaborations between musicians and technology, and between humans and non-human animals, working with themes of interdependence, hacking, and digital artefacts. Eveline’s work encompasses different formats, like concert music, sound walks and participatory installations. Her interest extends to the use of the web as a medium in sound art. She is the founder and manager of WebSoundArt, a platform for reflection on and creation of web-based sound art, supported by the Flemish Government. She codes and occasionally performs electronic music.
Eveline completed a bachelor’s degree in composition at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg (NL) with Kees van den Bergh and Anthony Fiumara. There, she won the Jacques de Leeuw price 2021 for young performing and creating artists. In July 2023, she completed her master’s degree in composition at the HMDK Stuttgart (DE) with Luxa Mart*in Schüttler. For this study, she received a fund from the Dutch Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Eveline received commissions from De Link (NL 2022, 2023), UAN duo (NL 2022), Witte Rook (NL 2022), and deSingel Internationale Kunstcampus (BE 2019). From 2017 – 2022, she was part of Collectief Publiek Geluid, a Belgian collective for the creation of sound in public space, supported by Musica.